The Process

20 Major Elements and 80 sub- Elements of your Tenant’s business are investigated and assessed independently and unbiasedly via a verifiable Q&A process with your Tenant.

1. Understanding your business– past, present, future.

2. Positive and negative global, national, regional, and local trends affecting and impacting your business’s performance levels.

3. The physical location/s of your business

4. Digital participation in your business.

5. Your abilities to manage your business.

6. Customer analysis.

7. Employee analysis.

8. Competitor analysis.

9. Current non- Internet-based marketing processes.

10. Current Internet-based marketing processes.

11. Funders, Financiers, and major Creditors analysis.

12. Investor analysis.

13. Inventory Control analysis.

14. Goods Suppliers and Service Providers analysis.

15. Stakeholder Strategy to assist you.

16. Financial returns. (Verification from their Auditor is required.)

17. Financial controls analysis.

18. Suitability of Businesses premises.

19. Strengths, Weakness, Opportunities, and Threats affecting your business (SWOT analysis) (These are derived from the above analysis and relevant input from the Tenant)

20. Potential for either growth or decay of the business.

The results are stated in a report.

The Initial Future Proofing Assessment Report of your Tenant.

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