Background of Neville Berkowitz

Property Economist

I have researched and forecasted South Africa and its property industry since 1977. I was a pioneer in property economics in South Africa and produced a monthly investment journal for clients, The Property Economist- Research and Forecasting for the Property Industry- from 1980-1995.

Many editions of The Property Economist began with a global economic section, as and when this worldwide research and forecasting affected South Africa and the property industry.

Economics and Manufacturing

During the 1980s, I also wrote and produced the quarterly publications The Economic Review of South Africa and The Manufacturing Review of South Africa in a co-publishing venture with then the second-largest weekly financial magazine in South Africa. Geopolitical issues and their effect on geo-economics, as they affected South Africa, were included in both publications.

Office of the Prime Minister

In 1983, I was appointed a representative of the Building Industry Federation of South Africa (BIFSA) on the Building Advisory Committee, reporting to the Office of the Prime Minister of South Africa.

Notable Predictive Speech

Among many speeches I have given locally and globally, the most memorable was at the JSE Auditorium in July 1986 while addressing a property investors conference. I shocked the audience with a forecast of the coming demise of the Johannesburg CBD and the migration of current CBD tenants, developers, and investors to the northern suburbs of Johannesburg. The property investors in the CBD badly received this speech, and I was treated as a leper at the cocktail party after the conference! The next day, the heads of the Johannesburg Townplanning Department and the Finance Committee came for a consultation.

Institutional Property Adviser

During 1991- 1999, I was the Property Adviser to what was then South Africa’s third-largest pension fund. I was responsible for creating a multi-billion Rand property portfolio. Each tenant was assessed similarly to the future-proofing process offered by


In 1992/3 -2007, I established Neville Berkowitz Global Associates with Associates in seventeen countries on five continents.

Adviser, Transactional, Investor, Developer

As an SME entrepreneur for 47 years, I have acted in various advisory and transactional roles to local and global property owners, lenders, tenants, investors, and developers. I have been an investor and developer for three decades.

I have been assessing, investigating, and analysing tenants for decades for my clients.


At age 70, I came out of retirement and created what has evolved into as I foresaw the beginnings of World War 3 when, in early 2022, Russia invaded Ukraine.

Additionally, I am very concerned about the Socialist/Marxist Road, the ANC, and its likely new Coalition Government during 2024-2029 continue taking South Africa and its SME business owners and their landlords into a failed state.

SME businesses employ 45% of the South African workforce and contribute 30% to GDP. Many SME business owners live on a knife edge of profitability and solvency. Potential boycotts, sanctions, and blacklisting will push many over the edge into business closures and financial ruin.

As landlords’ tenants, this will leave many landlords in financially precarious positions. When banks and other lenders smell potential problems, they will insist on more property equity as values begin to drop. I can only guarantee many sleepless nights for certain owners and developers! Since 1977, I have seen this pattern numerous times in economic downturns and recessions. focuses on helping landlords by future-proofing their selected SME tenants for survival and possible prosperity.

As an entrepreneur for 47 years and having survived the political and economic shocks since the 1976 Soweto Riots, I have advised all categories of property people, including tenants, across the economic spectrum.

I believe that what South African SME business owners are facing geopolitically and the impact on geo-economics will adversely affect their local businesses. Coupled with a struggling South African economy and the likelihood of a failing ANC-led Coalition government during 2024- 2029, with possible boycotts, sanctions and blacklisting, the road ahead will be tough for SME tenants and their landlords.

The fortunate SME tenants are those who are future-proofed to both survive and prosper. I look forward to helping them do so.


Neville Berkowitz

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